Dr. Jart+ Sambut V7, Multivitamin Pencerah Wajah Untuk Semua Gender [Press Release]

Brand Dermatologis Global Korea Garap Pasar Indonesia

Tiap pria dan wanita ingin bebas dari kulit kusam, pigmentasi, flek dan spot hitam. Akan tetapi faktor usia, genetis dan kondisi lingkungan kerap menjadi penyebab munculnya berbagai problem pada kulit wajah. Ditambah lagi, saat ini berbagai golongan usia kerap menghadapi masalah serupa. Maka dari itu, bertempat di Upperroom Annex Building, Dr. Jart+, brand dermatologis global terkemuka Korea hari ini meluncurkan seri pencerah wajah terbaru yaitu V7. Merupakan seri pencerah kulit wajah yang akan mengembalikan rona wajah anda yang kusam akibat sinar matahari maupun polusi udara dengan memberikan 7 vitamin meliputi vitamin A, B3, B5, C, E, F dan H.

Dr. Jart+ berfokus terhadap keamanan produk dengan melarang penggunaan bahan-bahan yang dapat menimbulkan iritasi kulit dengan prinsip bebas aroma buatan, bebas pewarna buatan, bebas pengawet buatan, dan bebas alkohol. Hadir memberikan solusi yang aman dan terpercaya, Dr. Jart+ telah melalui beragam tes untuk kulit hiper-sensitif maupun berbagai macam jenis kulit sensitif.

Vera Liono, Brand Manager Dr. Jart+ Indonesia menuturkan, “Sebagai pionir brand dermatologis global, Dr. Jart+ menghadirkan V7 yaitu produk pencerah pertama dengan kandungan vitamin terbanyak yang berfungsi mengencangkan, menenangkan, memutihkan, kaya akan anti oksidan, menjaga elastisitas dan regenerasi sel aktif. Sejak diluncurkan tahun 2004, Dr. Jart+ mendapat respon yang sangat baik di dunia perawatan kulit wajah internasional dengan angka penjualan tercepat dalam waktu singkat. Setelah melebarkan sayapnya ke berbagai negara seperti Jepang, Hong Kong, Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Thailand, Filipina dan Singapura, sekarang kami hadir di Indonesia. Kini penggemar kosmetik dapat menemukan produk perawatan wajah yang aman dan teruji klinis. Outlet kami dapat ditemukan di Alam Sutera, Matahari Departmen Store Taman Anggrek dan Lotte Shopping Avenue.”

“Merupakan sebuah kebanggan bagi kami untuk merilis Dr. Jart+ di Indonesia. Sejak diluncurkan tahun 2004, Dr. Jart+ menjadi produk perawatan dermatologis terkemuka di Korea. Melalui komitmen dan kinerja berkesinambungan, kami optimis Dr. Jart+ akan menjadi brand skincare terbaik dan terpercaya oleh banyak pelanggan di Indonesia seperti halnya di Korea dan dunia. Kami pun akan terus berkontribusi dalam menjaga serta memberi rasa aman pada kehidupan Anda dengan menghadirkan produk dermatologis No.1. Kami yakin, sekarang pelanggan kosmetik tidak perlu kuatir dan dapat langsung memilih produk perawatan wajah terbaik langsung dari ahlinya” ungkap Lee Jin-Wook, CEO Dr. Jart+ menambahkan.

Saat ‘cantik’ bertemu dengan ‘seni’

Nama Dr.Jart+ tercipta dari inisial pendirinya ‘J’ dan kata ‘Art’ yang dalam bahasa Inggris berarti seni, yang menjadikan konsepnya berbeda dari konsep produk perawatan kulit kebanyakan. Karena mengusung visi nya sebagai merek yang memfokuskan pada pemulihan dan perbaikan kulit sebagai hasil penelitian bionik terbaru, Dr. Jart+ telah membangun merek yang terpercaya dengan harapan akan menunjukkan sisi artistik dari perawatan kulit.

Dr.Jart+ mengedepankan teknologi ilmiah dalam meracik produk-produknya dari bahan alami serta dikemas menggunakan sistem berteknologi tinggi yang mengoptimalkan fungsi dari setiap bahan yang digunakan. Hal ini dilakukan dengan tujuan dapat menciptakan tampilan kulit wajah yang cantik dan sehat serta menjadikan Dr.Jart+ sebuah merek terpercaya.

Solusi cerdas untuk kulit hiper-sensitif

Dr. Jart+ fokus terhadap keamanan produk dengan melarang penggunaan bahan-bahan yang dapat menimbulkan iritasi kulit dengan prinsip bebas aroma buatan, bebas pewarna buatan, bebas pengawet buatan, dan bebas alkohol. Dr. Jart+ memberikan solusi yang aman dan dipercaya serta sudah melalui beragam tes untuk kulit hiper-sensitif dan berbagai macam jenis kulit sensitif.

Rangkaian Produk Dr.Jart

Varian seri V7 merupakan seri dengan kandungan vitamin, yang meregenerasi kulit rusak sehingga kembali seperti sedia kala dan sehat melalui kandungan 7 macam vitamin yang dibutuhkan kulit.
Noda dari pigmentasi, jerawat, atau masalah kulit lainnya akibat stres dan kebiasaan buruk sehari-hari dapat diperbaiki dengan adanya kandungan regenerasi vitamin tersebut. Rangkaian V7 Terdiri dari:
* V7 Turnover Booster (Toner): Rp 508.000,-
* V7 Renewal Serum: Rp 638.000,-
*V7 Relief Vita Drop (Emulsion): Rp 458.000,-
*V7 Vitacream (Spot treatment): Rp 578.000,-
*V7 Beauty Balm (Make Up): Rp 488.000,-


Dr. Jart V7

BB Cream

Satu-satunya BB Cream dengan varian terlengkap sesuai dengan warna kulit, tipe kulit, dan fungsi. Temukan BB Cream yang sesuai dengan karakter kulit Anda. Tersedia dalam beragam jenis:

* Rejuvenating Blemish Base (Silver Label): Kulit sensitif: Rp 408.000,-
* Skin Perfection Blemish Base (Black Label): Kulit kering: Rp 488.000,-
* Premium Blemish Base: Kulit kering dan menua: Rp 648.000,-
* Regenerating Blemish Balm: Whitening: Rp 528.000,-
* Renewalist Blemish Balm: Kulit menua: Rp 278.000,-

Dr. Jart BB creams

Most Moist

Seri pelembab pertama yang bebas pengawet buatan, melainkan menggunakan pengawet alami dari KIMCHI. Meminimalkan hilangnya kelembaban dan menjaga kelembaban tersebut agar tetap bertahan pada kulit selama 24 jam.

Varian Most Moist terdiri dari:

* Most Moist Water Act Skin Mist: Rp 328.000,-
* Most Moist Water Up Serum: Rp 548.000,-
* Most Moist Water Sure Gel Cream: Rp 458.000,-
* Most Moist Water Max Sleeping Mask: Rp 458.000,-
* Most Moist Waterfull Hydrogel Mask: Rp 488.000,-
* Most Moist Water Fuse Blemish Base: RP 458.000,-

Dr. Jart Most Moist


Seri perawatan dengan bahan aktif AC-Fensine untuk kulit berjerawat ini bekerja dengan meningkatkan sistem pertahanan/perlindungan kulit terhadap bakteri jerawat untuk membantu kulit memperbaiki jerawat dengan sendirinya dan mencegah timbulnya jerawat baru.

Varian Ctrl-A terdiri oleh:

* Drying Spot Corrector: Rp 378.000,-
* Sensitive Sun Protector: Rp 338.000,-
* Spot Out: Rp 338.000,-
* Soothing Moisturizer: Rp 348.000,-
* Clarifying Toner: RP 328.000,-
* Speedy Clear Serum: Rp 458.000,-
* Liquid Foam: Rp 338.000,-
* Spot Cover: Rp 298.000
* Beauty Balm: Rp 448.000,-

Dr. Jart Ctrl-A Line

Dr. Jart+ Indonesia V7 Product Launch

As you might know from Twitter (I was live tweeting), I was invited to join Dr. Jart+ Indonesia product launch, and the event occurred just last Wednesday. A BIG THANK YOU AND HUGS to Indah for the invitation! Anyhow, I wanted to share what happened last Wednesday in this post. For the official press release, I’ll post that up later on this week.

I have heard about Dr. Jart+ back when I was in Canada. Sephora stores in Canada carry this brand. To be honest, I never actually paid much attention to it since I thought it was just another brand selling BB creams. Just couple months back, I was actually curious about Dr. Jart+ skincare lines, and lucky me I received an invitation to join their product launch!

Dr. Jart+ is a Korean skincare brand, which is developed by Korean dermatologists. Their products are known globally, and now are available in Indonesia.

Dr. Jart V7 skincare line

Last Wednesday , they wanted to launch the Dr. Jart+ V7 skincare line in Indonesia. Several key people in the pictures below are: Vera Liono (Brand Manager Dr. Jart+ Indonesia), John Kim (Overseas Sales Team Manager), and Dr. Kevin Maharis (guest speaker, an aesthetic physician).

So, what is V7 skincare line? The V7 skincare line consists of several products, which help individuals to achieve a brighter looking skin. It’s called V7 because the products in this line are infused with several vitamins which can help to brighten the skin. The products include cleanser, toner, serum, moisturizer, and BB cream. This line is directed for those who want to get rid of their dark spots, dull skin and hyper-pigmentation. The products do not consist of any alcohol, and artificial fragrance, coloring as well as preservatives. It’s for all skin-type, and for both men and women.

Dr jart indonesia

(Vera Liono giving us a brief introduction regarding the brand)

Dr. John Kim

(John Kim, explaining to us about the development of Dr. Jart+ globally)

Dr. Kevin Maharis

(Dr. Kevin Maharis talking about the importance of proper products during skincare routine)

During the event, there was a demo to show us the right sequence to apply these products and what kind of effects the skin will get. I felt that the BB cream was way too light for her skin, when the makeup artist started her application. I zoomed in a little closer to see if my hunch was right, and true enough. Look at the picture below to see the difference between the left and the right side of her face.

Dr. Jart bb cream

(Skincare and makeup demo)

In the Q&A session, obviously, I had to ask. I raised my concern regarding the range of shades from the BB cream. I am, afterall, a makeup artist and I was curious to see if they have a good answer. I do want and like to recommend products to my clients, friends and family. I, of course, want to ensure that I recommend great products.

Not surprisingly at all, the answer to my question was quite confusing at first. The answer was NO, there is not a wide selection of shade for the BB cream. In fact, there’s only ONE shade for the BB creams. So, anyone who’s darker than MAC NC/W15 (may be NC/W20 can still give it a try), you can forget about the BB creams from Dr. Jart+. I asked if they’ll overcome this issue, and they do not give me any definitive answer. Instead, they kept going on and on how their BB creams come in range for the different skin-type.

Dr. Jart bb cream

(BB cream application)

So, I’d recommend the Dr. Jart+ BB creams if you are light, and have a difficulty finding BB creams for your skin-type (oily, combination, dry, mature, and/or sensitive) you should give this a try. I do think that the BB creams for different skin type is definitely a great idea. Dr. Jart+ carries 9 different BB creams according to your skin-type (only 4 is currently sold in Indonesia).

The price range for Indonesia for each product would be around Rp. 400,000 – Rp. 600,000. Again, let me mention that I’ll give more details in the official press release some time this week.

Dr. Jart+ V7

(Q&A Session)

So, what’s the take-home message from this event? I think Dr. Jart+ carries an amazing skincare line. I have no doubt about it. Afterall, this is one of the biggest Korean skincare brand around the world. How I feel about the BB creams is entirely my own opinion, and for me I don’t find the BB creams to be that good since it only comes in 1 shade. Don’t get me wrong, I think most Korean BB creams only carry 1 shade because Korean women (and men) are very light and pale to begin with. It’s no surprise that they only carry that light shade.

So, please be warn that if you are interested in their BB creams, it might not match your skin-tone. However, you can find a great skincare line for everyone from Dr. Jart+.

Dr. Jart+(with John Kim)

Below is a picture of a few Indonesian Beauty Bloggers who came to the event, along with Dr. Jart+ staff. Not all who came to the event was in the picture below since they had to go to other events. It was great to see the other bloggers, and we had tons of fun (and questions)! Shout out to all the bloggers who was asking all the right questions!

Indonesian Beauty Bloggers

A big thanks to Dr. Jart+ for inviting us to the event! Thank you for the great goodie bag as well!